• Library was established with 40 volumes of books in 2003. Now the collection for books has risen to more than 12000 and 29 journals and magazines.
  • In the year 2019, book bank section for the library was established
  • Library automation was started in 2021 and bar code technology was introduced in the year 2022.
  • On 2023, WEBOPAC online search facility was launched.
  • On 2023, Digital library was inaugurated.

“Education to Women is Education to Society”


We engage the students to excel in academics and empower them with competency to emerge as leaders with high ethical values to build a better society.



  • It is obligatory on all students of the college to be members of the library and reading room.
  • Perfect order and silence should be maintained in the library.
  • Students have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack room and reading room. No one is allowed to bring any other textbook or article inside the library.
  • Each member will be given two books at a time. The books and their ID cards are not transferable. Loss of the above should be intimated immediately to the librarian.
  • A student can keep a book for a week.
  • It is only after obtaining a clearance certificate from the library, the hall ticket and transfer certificate will be issued.
  • No one is allowed to pass on any book to another or to lend them to anyone in/out side of the college.
  • The system registers every book issued and returned.
  • The textbooks will be issued to the economically poor students on payment of a nominal fee of `RS.20 per semester. An application duly signed by the Head of the Department should be submitted to the librarian.
  • At the end of each semester both the staff and students are expected to return all the books to the library. In order to clear their due. The library staff will examine the books returned. If a book is damaged, lost or spoiled, all persons who borrowed one book, during the semester should replace it with a new copy.
  • Books should be handled with love and care. Marking on books is most objectionable. Students are strictly forbidden to tear or scribble on page of magazines and books. Any students found doing this will be punished severely.
  • The post graduate departments such as English, Commerce, Food Service and Computer science have their Departments libraries which is attached to the main library.
  • Current awareness services
  • Newspaper clipping services
  • Documentary delivery services
  • Question bank
  • Circulation services
  • Reference services
  • Maintenance services
  • Periodical services
  • Thesis and dissertation services
  • Acquisition services
  • Technical services
  • Reprography services
  • Inter library loan services
  • E-learning services
  • Web OPAC
  • Book bank schemes
Dr.S.Kanagasundari M.Com, MLIS, M.Phil, Ph.D


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Assistant Librarian

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The Library collection is (more than 600 volumes and more than 1000 Titles) more than 10000 books, including 2400 are language collection (Tamil, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Latin, etc..), 2100 are reference collection (Encyclopaedia, Thesaurus, Dictionary, Almanas, Yearbook, Maps, Atlas, Competitive books, General and History), 5200 are subject-wise collection (Nutrition & Dietetics, Mathematics, Physics, Commerce & Business Administration, Computer Application & Computer Science, Apparel & Fashion Technology), 680 are number of non-book materials, 1800 are special collection (Islamic, Muballiga & Book Bank), 850 are non-book materials (Question Bank, CD/DVD, Project & Back Volume)

The Library periodical collection is 43, eight are International Journals, 14 are National Journals, 12 are Magazines and 6 are serials.

National Journals
International Journals

Special Collections (Islamic, Muballiga & Book Bank)
Blog Images
Reading Room
Blog Images
Reference Books
Blog Images
Collection of Encyclopaedia, Atlas, Dictionary and rare books etc
Blog Images
Stock Room Section
Blog Images
Periodical Section
Blog Images
Technical Section
Blog Images
Acquisition Section
Blog Images
Gate Entry -GEMS
Rare Book Collections

This library has been functioning for almost 23 years. It also contains some special modules of general interest. Some books are fragile and we are preserving them for research scholars.

  • Latin and Greek Books
  • French books
  • Copyright Books
  • Islamic books
  • English books on Grammar, drama, poetry and fiction etc.

Title: Quadrilateral Dictionary (or)Lughat Arbaa

Author: Shamsul-Ulama

Publisher: Munshi Muhamed Ismail

Year of Publishing: 1919

Language:Three Languages

Title: La Belle France

Author: De Monvert

Accession No: 6466

Publisher: Allyn and Bacon

Year of Publishing: 1916

Language: French

Total No. Pages: 55

Title: The Home and the World

Author: Rabindranath Tagore

Accession No: 2005


Year of Publishing: 1919


Total No. Pages: 86

Author: John Webster

Accession No: 2366

Publisher: London

Year of Publishing: 1612

Language: English

Total No. Pages: 158